Imagine: all of your data compiled into readable dashboards for each of your key accounts... Yet this is exactly what a BI tool calibrated for your needs could offer you. Putting you in the position of decision-maker, these key indicators, graphs and reports will allow you to better understand your market and your customers, in real time.
Multiply synergies with the Marketing department
BI guarantees work in synergy and better joint productivity between marketing and the sales force, relying on the same data inputs and the same tools. For example, you can synchronize and cross-reference your data such as marketing campaigns with sales figures, for an even more reliable ROI.
Spend more time on what you are passionate about
The main advantage of technology: to make your life easier, and thus allow you to give pride of place to the most strategic function of your job: sales.
Identify opportunities
By improving and deepening your customer knowledge, you refine your strategy and direct your sales more precisely towards their target. With a BI tool, you also give yourself the opportunity to model future needs and anticipate sales in a predictive way.
Strengthen team cohesion
Implementing a BI tool also means offering change management to your teams and restructuring its operation internally. You thus create synergies by putting all the workforce in front of the same tools and the same figures.
stay nimble
Our BI solution allows users to access their dashboards via their tablets and smartphones. Ideal on the Management side to follow salespeople in the field, optimize administration and supervision.