Ketsu Academy APP
Features of the app
Timeline : This is a view that contains the summary of the online school activities such as News, Events, Facebook Feeds and Gallery
Guest view: As a guest, you are privileged to view recent activities of the school and also communicate with the school when necessary.
Chats and Messaging: Communication between parents and teachers is made easy via the chat and messaging platform. Easily connect with class teachers with a snap of a finger.
Communication Book: Close monitoring of assignments and projects as well as task given to students is followed up by the parents with the aid of the communication book which keeps them informed.
Push notifications: All users receive instant and real time notifications on all updates and information from the school.
Persistent login: The ability to keep a user logged in for as long as the user does not actively logout makes it easier to access information on the go without the hassle of constant logging in.
Multiple accounts: For users that double as teachers and parents of wards in the school, you can log into the two accounts simultaneously and switch from one to the other with just a click.
FAQ: The mobile app is equipped with carefully selected and crafted frequently asked questions to help each unique user navigate seamlessly through the app