KEPSAŞ Abone Portalı APP
With our application, Kayseri Elektrik Perakende Satış A.Ş. You can see your electricity subscription bills and consumption and other details. You can make your contract termination and credit return applications from the application processes menu. You can also reach the nearest payment points from within the application, and directly call our call center for your requests.
If you have already registered to our Subscriber Portal, you can log in with your registered user ID in our mobile application, and if you have not, you can easily register through the application.
If you want the ID number you logged in to be remembered later, you can log in with the "Remember Me" option. When you open the application again, if you want it to come back as logged in, you can click the settings icon on the home screen and activate the "Remember Login" option.
General announcements and notifications about your electricity subscriptions are sent through our application. If you do not want to receive notifications about your subscriptions, you can turn them off in the settings menu.
If you wish, you can use the application in dark mode with the "Dark Mode" option in the settings section.
This application, which we have developed in-house with its modern interface, will soon have all the functions of our Subscriber Portal to increase your user experience. Your opinions and suggestions are very valuable to us.