You can include:
- Log in to My Pages to see your invoices, keep track of your consumption, manage your contract and get tips on how you can reduce your electricity consumption and carbon footprint.
- Get news, announcements and deals in mobile.
- View current operating information - both planned and unplanned outages existing power grids, district heating and broadband.
- Keep track of our electricity prices or follow * Nord Pool spot prices for electricity area you selected.
- Find charging stations for your electric car
Do errands:
- Create water readings
- Reporting receipts or moving out
- Order autogiro
- Contact Customer Support via chat, phone or email
- Problem reporting
With your mobile BankID, you can:
- Draw on or sign a new electricity contract
- Order of fiber to your villa
Download the app and get started right away. To log on to My Pages, you need your customer number to hand and your password (number).
* Karlshamn Energi Nord Pool conveys data on spot and futures prices and can not guarantee that the information is complete or accurate.