Prepare and practise Online with very high quality, trick based question exclusively designed on the pattern of real test of the exam by expert faculty for SSC JE, AE/JE, Railways & CLAT.
KD TECH provide all type of Question That comes in the real exam of SSC JE, AE/JE, Railways & CLAT..The Online Test provides you to discover your weak areas by giving time duration Per Question and subject wise. It also helps you to keep your performance intact by giving cumulative test report and graphs.You can know your position in the competition as it this KD TECH online test app provide topper performance and an average performance of all students.
Exams and Tests.
SSC JE: The App provides Online Test for Staff Selection Commission junior engineer. It has three Subjects General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, and General Engineering . G.I and GA have 50 question. Question of each subject and General Engineering has 100 qs, is designed by the very top faculty of India. Getting a better rank here is equivalent to selection in SSC JE exam.
General Intelligence & Reasoning (50 Questions, 50 Marks)
General Awareness (50 Questions, 50 Marks)
General Engineering (100 Questions, 100 Marks )..