Karie Companion APP
Karie Companion pairs you with the user of a Karie medication delivery device. The device may be yours or it may belong to someone you care for, such as a family member. The App notifies you when a dose of medication is due, taken early or missed altogether. You can call the Karie device user from within the App's notifications to inquire or remind them. You can also review their medication history and dose adherence for valuable information.
Karie Companion pairs caregivers with many Karie users for automatic, up-to-date patient monitoring.
You can adjust Notification settings for:
• Dose Warnings
⁃ Missed
⁃ Early
⁃ Due
• Medication Cartridge Status
⁃ Empty
⁃ Wrong (mismatch)
⁃ Removed Early
• Karie Device Status
⁃ Unplugged
⁃ Battery Empty or Low
⁃ Not Connected (to Wi-Fi or cellular network)