Kanooni Hak or ladai APP
or by some equivalent legal process. A legal case may be either civil
or criminal. In each legal case there is an accuser and one or more
The Constitution of India guarantees protection of life and personal
liberty to one and all. It provides adequate safeguards to fundamental
rights against arbitrary decisions. This section has detailed information
about various legislations, rules and regulations, legal institutions,
commissions and tribunals. You can also get information about the Supreme
Court, High Courts, Subordinate Courts, Legal Aid, Profession, Alternative
Dispute Resolution etc.
This application is completely work offline & Free to download, so
no need of internet can download the app once and can access all the
material without internet connection .This application all material
in Hindi language. This app will also help you to bookmark your
favorite topics for future references, set reminder & easy to share
via SMS, watsapp, facebook, email etc .This application easy to start,
set reminder and move to particular date etc. This includes the new
android material theme.Convenient OFF-LINE access. Looks and feels
just like the book .
This App having various categories are :-
• Divorce Law and Rights
• Laws and rights of accidents
• Laws and Rights of Rape
• Suicide
• Dowry
• Food Safety and Standards
• sexual harassment
• Domestic violence
• DDA Flat Law and Rights
• Income Tax Laws and Rights
• Law and Rights of Pension
• Laws and rights of female feticide
• Laws and Rights of Child Labor
• Laws and rights of animal cruelty
• Theft and robbery
• Attempt to murder
• Law and Rights MCQs
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