Kangbroadi APP
Kang Bro Adi App
Ease of registering as a volunteer and sympathizer of Kang Bro Adi (M. Rochadi) for the victory of the Provincial DPRD Pileg. West Java Electoral District of West Java 9 Kab. Bekasi
We are here for West Java to progress and grow together
The fun doesn't end here, there's much more to be had, including:
-Easy to use
With the app's new interface, online registration is easy, fast and fun!
-Cool Features
Easy fast login, lots of interesting and informative menus
-Profile Kang Bro Adi
Contains the full profile of kang bro adi along with social media contacts and political ideas
-PKB Party Profile
Contains PKB's full profile
-Campaign Material
Contains complete campaign materials ranging from billboard designs, banners, t-shirts and others
-Volunteer Activity Report
Here you can share campaign activities carried out by sympathizers and volunteers, Bro Adi
-Latest news
The latest information on the activities of Kang Bro Adi and the PKB Party
and many other features
What are you waiting for?
Download the app now!
Always Keep the Unity and Unity of Indonesia
Together with Kang Bro Adi Cares for the Ummah Serving the People