Kamus Inggris Indonesia + Suar GAME
In this application it contains complete and easy to understand English vocabulary because it is equipped with image, writing and sound features so that children are not bored in playing it.
This English Dictionary application is designed interactively and educatively with the hope that children are happy in learning English from an early age.
Learning features:
* School Objects in English
* Home Objects in English
* Kitchen objects in English
* Fruit names in English
* Animal names in English
* Daily Vocabulary in English
Play feature:
* Guess Meanings in English
* Guess Objects in English
* Match Words in English
* Ferris wheel
SECIL series
SECIL, abbreviated as Serial Belajar Si Kecil, is a collection of Indonesian Language Learning Application Serials that are specially packaged interactively and interestingly that we made specifically for Indonesian Children. There have been several series that have been released such as Secil Learning Numbers, Secil Learning to Study Iqro ', Secil Learning Islamic Prayers, Secil Coloring Cartoons, Secil Cartoon Puzzles, Secil Learning Prayers, Secil Learning Tajweed and many others