Kalmasın APP
It is a savings application developed to prevent waste, save food producers from harm, prevent the country's economy from losing and consumers reach food at very affordable prices.
Purpose of the Application
It is a study that ensures mutual benefit in food businesses and the consumer side, that the businesses do not suffer as a result of waste food waste, and that they can buy the leftover food more cheaply on the consumer side. The Gel Al model, which ensures that restaurants can sell their leftover products at discounted prices so that they can be consumed without spoiling their freshness, that customers can eat these products at a very affordable price, and that their meals are not wasted, is a complete savings application. Prevention of waste and significant savings of enterprises is the most important emphasis in the project, and the project assumes a very important social responsibility task in this respect.
How does it work?
1- First, the business determines the leftover food at the end of the day and adds it as a package.
2- Then the business prepares the package with a very discount, which it will sell with Kalmasın.
3- Vee consumers enjoy the happiness of preventing wastage and saving by purchasing the food left on the shelf very cheaply and while it is still fresh.
don't stay
It ends the waste, eats cheaply!
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