K2 HELP LAW - Law book for Professionals

Latest Version

Dec 30, 2024
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1. No need to look for clauses in different law books anymore

2. This application is for policemen, advocates, as well as officers of all departments belonging to the judicial department.

Professional and professional lawyers and law enthusiasts will satisfy your curiosity and your needs.

This is our attempt to simplify.

3. K2-HELP LAW application is law in your hand mobile phone

4. We only provide your daily and immediate need clause/law through this application

We will search through the matching box and make it available quickly.

5. In this fast-paced era and every day there are new laws and clauses for the police to contend with

We hope that the application will provide the ease of finding clauses very quickly.

6. Extensive reading of various books on law and the justice system by a legal expert/ Vanshanant.

Talk to the relevant officials and advise you in very clear and simple language.

For the purpose of making the articles of the Acts easy to find, one by one article of each Act by us

Written by typing.

7. All the laws in this application are up to date with the latest amendments of 2019.

has been done.

8. Special for police officers and employees to assist in the investigation

Category K2 Will Help In The Investigation of Forms of operations used in daily work

The format is given in PDF. Which will be useful to the police in the investigation. and coming

It is our intention to upload more and more useful information on it from time to time.

*** Disclaimer***

This is not a government-affiliated app. All the data is freely obtained from government resources available on https://www.indiacode.nic.in. We are only aggregators of all information.

All information is obtained from https://www.indiacode.nic.in We do not spread any false information.
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