K-Tarip APP
Use your voice to ask K-Tarip where to throw away the consumed cartridges of your printer and add a notification to remind you of that collection day. And if the refusal is your old television book a withdrawal with a simple click, the manager will indicate you the first available day.
For daily activities you can count on the calendar by setting a reminder in the hours you prefer, and if you find a disservice you can send an environmental report by photographic certification to the company in charge of the service.
By accessing the Reserved Area, developed according to the needs of users, managers and Public Administrations, K-Tarip informs you of the daily emptying of door-to-door collection, records the contributions to the Ecological Island showing you the points accumulated for each CER and file Notices and Payments in a summary space dedicated to your domestic or commercial users, so you will always have control over your consumption at your smartphone.
The news section promptly informs you of communications related to the Environmental Management of your City.