JustPro Employer APP
JustPro uses a rating system that allows employers to carefully review the history of employees through the feedback from their previous employers to get an exact feel of who they are about to hire and what to expect from them.
JustPro Talent Scout is a headhunting service that allows HR teams to easily browse through the resume of thousands of skilled workers in specific job categories. HR teams can easily view the resume of the employee, read through reviews from their past employers, and connect with them instantly by booking them for an interview directly on the app.
Talent Scout aims to simplify the process of hiring highly skilled employees, as HR teams can now easily browse through open job titles and narrow down their search based on staff rating, reviews, and distance (proximity).
You can now easily hire freelancers in almost all service industries including domestic helpers, technical workers, and even top-level categories like doctors and psychologists.
JustPro is free to download and use.