JuiceWorks APP
What's inside?
- Juicy Membership Card
Log on your membership card details for one handy virtual card experience! Check your Juicy Member’s account (birthday voucher, discount rewards) and top-up your Juicy Card value on the go. By scanning and barcode your mobile screen, make purchases & paying with your mobile phone at all Juice Works outlets conveniently.
- Loyalty Programme
You deserve the best, the very best and every dollar counts! For every 3rd, 6th and 9th stamps, you'll get irresistible members perks! Yes, you'd read it right. Register now!
-Pay in-store & Prepaid
A safe and secure mobile wallet where you can easily pay for your juices with just a few taps on the app. Managing can be so easy and hassle-free.
- News on-the-go
There is always something going on at JuiceWorks store. This app keeps you up to date with offers and new juices. Sign up and log in to your JuiceWorks accounts so you can keep a digital JuiceWorks card and make great savings.
- Locate us
You will never know when your juice cravings might kick in. With our location features, worry not we will tell you exactly where is the nearest juice bar no matter where you are!
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