JobInstan APP
An all-in-one solution that meets all your expectations.
Finding qualified providers (Jobbers) near you has never been easier. Whether you're looking to supplement your income, unemployed, or a student, become a provider (Jobber) quickly and receive mission proposals near you.
On JobInstan, we have:
Verified and qualified providers:
- Identity verification: ID card, health insurance card, address, and bank verification.
- Certified reviews: Providers can be reviewed only after they have provided a service and received payment, ensuring genuine reviews.
Fair compensation for good service
- Smart forms: Specify your request with automatic forms. You'll get an estimated number of hours and a recommended hourly rate. Submitting a service request takes less than 1 minute.
- No surprises: You control the cost by booking a provider for a certain number of hours and an hourly rate. If needed, you can add more hours and compensation when finalizing your provider's payment.
Legal and secure home services
- Coverage when needed: Insurance to cover unforeseen events related to home service activities (breakage, damage, accidents).
A new experience for home services:
Various categories to simplify your daily life and gain free time:
- Cleaning: one-time or recurring, small and large spaces.
- Handyman: assembly, installation, repair.
- Moving assistance: extra hands for lifting furniture and boxes.
- Gardening: mowing, pruning, landscaping.
- Childcare: after-school, evenings. Book at the last minute.
- Private lessons: for all levels and subjects.
- Personal assistance: deliveries, shopping, visits, meals.
- Pet sitting: walks, home or pet-sitter care.
- IT services: device setup and updates