Jobat | Jobs & Salary Compass APP
Free access to all types of vacancies - from blue-collar to white-collar, government to internships, student jobs to flexi-jobs, and permanent or interim. Easily search by keyword, company or area, save favourite jobs and receive jobs tailored to your needs. Upload your CV or build it step by step in the app with guidance and apply with one click. On top you can also compare your salary with others in our salary calculator. So no surprises about your salary. With the Jobat app, your dream job is always at your fingertips. Anywhere, anytime.
Download the app today and boost your career!
Discover all features:
Job search
Discover a wide range of jobs for everyone, from student jobs and flexi-jobs to temporary and permanent positions, in the region of your choice at Jobat.
Find jobs easily by function, keyword or company
Choose your own region or discover jobs in your area using the GPS on your device.
No CV? No problem. Build your CV step by step in the app by answering questions.
Add or create your CV in the app. Based on your CV, we will match you with tailored jobs and you can apply with 1 click. Minimum one education or one work experience required.
Easily add a motivation to your application. Choose between written text or video
View your recent searches and saved jobs at a glance
Be the first to know about new jobs. Create a Job alert and receive jobs tailored to your needs
Fill in your Jobat profile and receive recommended jobs from Jobat
Salary calculator
Compare your salary and extralegal benefits with others and check whether you earn enough. Also discover which sectors pay better or offer better extralegal benefits
No more surprises about your salary!
We value your feedback and strive to continuously improve the Jobat app based on your input. Help us make your search for the perfect job even easier and more enjoyable. Rate the Jobat app or write a review. Your feedback is priceless!
The Jobat team