JIB CALLS is the phoning app the most adapted for seniors and people with physical disabilities (multiple sclerosis, myopathia, ALS, quadriplegia, cerebral palsy...).
Thanks to its intelligent settings, all your calls can be made without using hands and are all put on speaker mode. You can also avoid undesired calls (including prospective calls) by only accepting your personal contacts.
**How to use the app?**
The app can be configured according to your expectations. You define how long the tone rings (in seconds), which numbers are authorized in your contacts and on which time-slots you're available.
Hence, only calls from authorized contacts at an availability time-slot will be accepted. Once the call authorized, it is put on speaker mode.
For outbound calls, ask Google's Assistant to call one of your contacts: the call is then put on speaker mode by JIB CALLS.
For users of switches, visually impaired people or people uneasy with digital interfaces, our number pad allows easy typing of phone numbers.
For our users with physical disability, we highly recommend having a phone stand set on the wheelchair that allows the user to have the screen at eye-level.
**Trial phase and subscription**
Enjoy a 10-day trial to test our solution. At the end, you can decide to cancel your subscription or continue using JIB CALLS.
We offer two attractive pricing, per month and per year.
**Safety of your data**
Our service is GDPR and CPNI compliant: our data and servers are in Europe. We never store the conversations used with JIB CALLS.
JIB CALLS offers an extension of your smartphone calling features, so phone calls are still depending on your telecommunication operator.
**Who are we?**
JIB is a Paris-based social startup. Our mission is to bridge the gap between technology and the disability world to foster autonomy for everyone.
Our approach is centered on co-creation, and this app is the result of many workshops and exchanges with people with physical disability, their helpers, occupational therapists, reeducation centers and medical residences. Don't hesitate to share your improvement suggestions by writing at contact@jib-home.com.
To know more about us, meet us at https://jib-calls.com