jessas APP
+ Knowledge. Twelve modules - matched used to the curriculum for Catholic religion in Austria, but also for other denominations / countries - each provide an overview of the topic in intuitive digital learning lists. All card files associated with illustrations and pictures to the learning and Redetecting effect of strengthening. Learners are the content itself routed to.
+ Quizzes: For each module it is important to complete a matching quiz that checks the acquired knowledge areas. They should maintain different forms of question and mapping for variety and excitement.
+ Collecting: Rewarded eager learners and Quizzer with points that improve their own ranking in the entire Jessas! Community as well as in class internal ranking!. Also, get the learners / inside at certain scores, trading cards, which appear in the digital scrapbook and more, graphically pleasing information on religious themes offer.
+ Action: To network with the "stationary" lessons to offer challenges sucked on that reward learners with additional points and implement creative activities to individual modules in the classroom..