JEE Admission Information APP
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Data Source:
Participating Institutes:
Seat Matrix:
An App for IITs / NITs / IIITs / GFTIs Admission through JoSAA. Last Year’s Cut-off AIR, Category wise Closing Rank, College Seat Matrix & Contact Details, Branch wise College, Reporting Centers, etc. for the admissions in various courses of Engineering and Architecture like B.Tech., B.S., Dual Degree (B.Tech.+M.Tech.) in 23 IITs, 31 NITs, 23 IIITs, and 23 GFTIs
This App is a career counseling guidance application that provides the complete information of all IITs/NITs/IIITs/GFTIs for the students who are looking for the best Engineering & Architecture colleges after 12th Science in India. It is also useful for parents, teachers, counselor, schools, colleges, etc.
Key features include:
Previous Year’s Cut-off: Search Last Year’s Cut-off Rank using JEE (Advanced) AIR or JEE (Main) Paper-1, Category (Open, EWS, SEBC, SC, ST), Seat Pool, Branches of choice and Colleges of choice. A list of colleges with Branch and Closing rank will be displayed that matched entered criteria. Cut-offs are being updated after each round of JoSAA admission procedure. Students will have an idea about where they can get admission.
College Information: App shows a list of colleges with college name and city. It shows the detail of colleges like branches, intake, seat distribution, address, website, email, phone, etc. The app shows category (General, EWS, OBC-NCL, SC, ST) wise cutoff for all the offered branches.
Branch Detail: The app shows a list of branches offered by various colleges. Easy filter to select your favorite branch. It shows the number of colleges that offers your favorite branch with total intake. An option is given to select B. Tech / M. Tech / B. Sc / M. Sc courses.
News: Latest news to keep you updated for the Admission 2024. Circulars and notice updated on the website are updated here in this section.
Key Dates: Find schedule and dates of events of JoSAA Admission 2024.
Reporting Centres: List of reporting centers in India for IIT and NIT Admission to make the admission process smooth.
Website: List of important websites is given in the app for your referral. For more details regarding admission, you can refer the websites listed here.
This app is free and after downloading it works in offline mode also and very helpful during the admission procedure.