Jaspi - ERP APP
Attached to ERP JASPI is a feature to make sure your company does not stop selling, even without an internet connection.
Module - SALES FORCE (Offline sales);
✔ Issuance of quotes and orders.
✔ Product Catalog.
✔ Customer registration.
Features of the Web Version;
- Fiscal module.
✔ Issuing, consulting, canceling NFe, NFC-e.
✔ Sending Notes by e-mail.
✔ Automatic sending of notes to the accountant.
- Financial module.
✔ Multi-box control.
✔ Generation of registered slips.
✔ Accounts receivable, payable, transfer between accounts.
✔ Boleto submission by e-mail, sending overdue notice.
- Registrations
✔ Product Registration
✔ Registration of Groups, subgroups, brands.
✔ Customer Database.
Phone: (44) 99753-8680