Arduino, the circuit as you have established with PIC microcontrollers and is an application that allows you to communicate with your Android device via Bluetooth protocol. 1-0 codes for roads open and close commands. Home, office lighting, used in areas such as electronic devices control. If it is desired to be used where needed, such as security doors open automatically in your circuit it is recommended that you change the password you use the bluetooth module.
Example Arduino application is below.
char data;
void setup () {
Serial.beg's (9600);
In pinmo (13, OUTPUT);
Serial.println ( "Jarvis BLUETOOTH Remote Access System");
void loop () {
if (Serial.availabl to ()> 0) {
Yield = ();
if (data == '1') {
A digitalwrit (13, HIGH);
if (data == '0') {
A digitalwrit (13, LOW);
delay (100);