Lookup a postcode to find the related place (Prefecture, Municipality, town) in Japan
Find by Prefecture, Municipality and Town
This App do not need an Internet connection to serve you.
ALL JAPAN POSTCODE are in your mobile.
The complete List of Japan Zip Codes,
All Japanese State/Province :Yamanashi, Yamaguchi, Wakayama, Toyama, Tottori, Tokyo, Tokushima, Tochigi, Shizuoka, Shimane, Shiga, Saitama, Saga, Osaka, Okinawa, Okayama, Oita, Niigata, Nara, Nagasaki, Nagano, Miyazaki, Mie, Kyoto, Kumamoto, Kochi, Kanagawa,Kagoshima, Kagawa, Ishikawa, Hyogo, Hiroshima, Gumma, Gifu, Fukuoka, Fukui, Ehime, Aichi, Yamagata, Miyagi, Iwate, Ibaraki, Fukushima, Chiba, Akita, Hokkaido, Aomori,
"Postal codes in Japan are 7-digit numeric codes using the format NNN-NNNN, where N is a digit. The first two digits refer to one of the 47 prefectures (for example, 40 for the Yamanashi Prefecture), the next digit for one of a set of adjacent cities in the prefecture"