Japamala (Rosary) in Malayalam language with common Malayalam prayers

Latest Version

Dec 16, 2024
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Japamala & Prayers Malayalam APP

The common prayers and Japamala in one App. Convenient for daily use. The features includes:
* Japamala prayers in text and audio format.
* Karuna kontha (Divine mercy in malayalam) audio and text versions.
* Novena and prayers to saints.
* Common prayers and japangal in malayalam.
* Catechism will be helpful for youngsters.
* Thiruvachana petti shows bible quotes in malayalam.
* Sukruta japam and common prayers related to japamala is available in text form.
* Customizable text size for convenience.
* Auto selection of day and mysteries of Japamala.
* Audio rosary works offline once downloaded.
* Includes Litany and common prayers of japamala.
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