울타리몰 - 한국 프리미엄 농수산식품마켓 1DAY배송 APP
Wooltari is an online shopping mall that provides 1-day delivery of over 3,000 premium agricultural and fisheries products from South Korea to all regions of the United States.
Wooltari allows you to easily purchase frozen, refrigerated, and room-temperature products with just one click. Save yourself from driving for over an hour to a Korean mart and shop comfortably in just one minute.
- Connecting producers and consumers directly
Wooltari is a permanent consumer direct marketplace that directly meets excellent producers in South Korea, selects the best products, imports them, and supplies them to customers with better quality and fair prices.
- Convenient Anywhere, Both Online and Offline
As the only Korean food distribution company with both online and offline stores active in North America, Wooltari provides customers with a variety of shopping options.
- 1-day delivery nationwide
Choose as you wish from the 3,000 products, and we provide 1-day delivery nationwide in the U.S. Wooltari is the first in K-Food e-commerce to support Saturday delivery.
- フェンスモールは?
アメリカ全域の大韓民国プレミアム農水産食品と必須K-Food 3,000品を1DAY配送で受け取ることができるオンラインショッピングモールです。
- 生産者と消費者を直接つなぐフェンス
- オンオフラインどこでも便利なWOOLTARI
- 未全域⚡1DAY雷配送⚡