Symbols APP
シムボルズは 1500個が超える特殊文字を提供します.
原文者, 数学記号 , 貨幣記号 , 矢印, 括弧等 多様な種類の特殊文字を提供します.
Do you want various symbols?
Symbols offer symbols(Currency,Greek,Arrow,Line,Math,Unit,Japanese,Emoticon, smiley etc.) more than 1500.
You can easily type symbol any space(sms,email,web,twitter,facebook etc.)
If you want any symbol mail me, I will update ASAP
Tip - If you want to type just one symbol, you don't have to press "Copy to Clipboard" button. because it is already copy to clipboard. you just long press on textfield where you want type symbol