ダーツ大手 - Darts Master 3D GAME
- 501、大小の比べ、スヌーカーとゴルフなどの経典なやり方が君を待ってる。
- 精緻な3Dゲーム画面
- 100以上のステージは君の挑戦を待ってる。
- 20以上心をこめて設計されたウユニークなダーツとダーツボード
- 一つの手で操作できる。いつでもどこでもゲームの面白さを楽しめる。
- 面白い成績アンロックシステム、探索の欲望を刺激する。
- 世界的競技場でプロな選手とマンツーマン対戦する。
Playing darts has never been more exciting than in Darts Master! Darts Master offers a genuine challenge for professionals as well as a casual pub game for amateurs.
Darts is a form of throwing sport in which small missiles are thrown at a circular dartboard fixed to a wall. Usually the player throws three darts per visit to the board with the goal of reducing a fixed score. But this game also includes a number of variations on the standard rules and scoring systems. Now challenge the computer or play against friends to beat records all around the world!
Game Features:
- 501 (double out), 301 (double in & out), Dart Golf, Dart Snooker
- 100+ levels of various rules in Challenge mode
- Tournament and 2 Players mode
- Tons of well designed darts and dartboards to unlock