1. Name your wish
2. Fill in place, occasion, date or anything that completes the name.
3. Write down your way to fill it with details that make it unique.
4. Give it a number as per its importance, 1 being most important and 10 being least. It decides the position of your wish in the list. You can have 2 or more wishes at same priority. Yes, you can save unlimted number of wishes.
5. Save it with save icon in action bar.
6. Long press a wish in list. You will get the clickable options to take action on your wish.
7. Share: Tell your near and dear ones that you have a wish to be fulfilled.
8. View: View the details you have written down about your wish.
9. Update: You want to put some extra details or to change the priority.
10. Delete: In case something does not charm you any more.
No targets, must-do things in this list.
Just Eat, Play, Buy, Tour and Party.