iWeather OS15 Forecast Weather APP
- Get updated with current temperature, rain forecast in a single view.
- Minimum and maximum temperatures of the day.
- Weather conditions for current time and forecast 24 hours.
App Interface with animation changes as per weather outside
- Easily visualise the weather in your area with the Dynamic UI which changes as per the weather conditions outside.
Add multiple cities, locations
- Planning a trip, want to see the weather in your hometown, want to check weather conditions in cities where your family members live ? Just add any city in the world and see the live weather for that city.
- Add up to 15 cities.
- Pick cities from Map.
8 day Weather forecast
- Be prepared for the week with the weather forecast for the next 8 days with information on.
- Minimum and maximum temperatures.
- Weather conditions for each day.
24 hours weather updates
- See hourly updates for the weather with temperature and weather conditions.
- Useful Widgets to see important information on your homescreen.
Weather Maps
- Temperature Map.
- Precipitation Map.
- Wind Map.
- Cloud Map.
- Set 2x2 or 4x2 Widget included all information.
- Transparent widget background.
- Select widget's location.
Other features
- Sunrise sunset timings
- UV Index
- Rainfall
- Humidity and the dew point
- Wind speed and direction updates
- Real Feel temperature updates
- Atmospheric pressure
- Visibility