The MANV module from IVENA can be used to control the rescue in major disaster situations with mass casualty incidents. The app is used by the emergency services to record patients on site and to assign them to suitable hospitals with mobile devices.
• The app can only be used productively if a license for the advanced MANV module has been purchased.
• Interested parties can test the app in combination with the general demo version of IVENA. You can obtain access data for this at www.ivena.de under "Demo".
• Display of the current MANVs in the corresponding area.
• Carrying out an initial assessment of the number of casualties.
• View and edit mission sections.
• Registration of patients via the VAK number (also via QR code or barcode).
• Triage patients and collect additional data.
• Allocation of the patients to suitable hospitals participating in the MANV.
• Situation overview of the patients and their status.