itemit APP
Choose to track your assets using Barcodes, QR codes, GPS Trackers or RFID - or a combination of these so that you always have the right technology for each asset.
Choose itemit and you get:
1. An asset register that stays up to date
2. A safe place to store all relevant asset information
3. Your choice of asset tags - QR codes, barcodes, GPS Trackers, RFID
Enjoy these great features:
- Reminders - record inspection due dates, calibration, warranty and insurance expiries and more
- Information - log the asset’s make, manufacturer, link back to an invoice number and safely store other important properties
- Issues - you and the team can raise issues against assets thanks to itemit’s in-built issues ticketing system
- Attachments - store as many attachments as you need with our unlimited attachments feature
- History - complete audit trails for your assets. See who has had them, where they’ve been and more
- Assign assets to staff - log who has which laptop and toolbox. Pull off reports to see what each member of staff has
- Value - record purchase price and effective lifetime and let itemit calculate straight line depreciation for your asset portfolio
- Collections - organise your assets by type and more
- Locations - log where your assets are
- Bookings and check outs - reserve assets and check them out so everyone knows what’s available
- Quick Add - scan to rapidly move assets from one location to another
- Audit - perform an audit one acc location to see what’s missing and what’s been found
- Reports - customisable, powerful reporting, straight from the web portal
- User management - Control who has access to your assets. Choose from 5 different roles to give each member of the team the access they need
- Public profiles - allow public users to be able to scan assets and access the asset’s public profile to raise issues
- Works offline - even if you don’t have signal, you can still access and use most of itemit’s features
- Comments - log important asset details
- Related items
- Map - see where your assets are on a map. Great for teams to borrow assets on a nearby site!