SuperN64 (N64 Emulator) GAME
You need to place your own game files onto the SD card before running this N64 Emulator.
SuperN64 is a modified version of the Open Source project Mupen64+, which is licensed by GNU GPL v3. Modifications include performance enhancements for specific Phone Models and new android (successfully tested on some devices running android 7.0+)
* Feature:
- Supports N64 game file (.n64, z64, v64, .zip, .rar)
- Support android 4.0+ (suitable for android 7.0+)
- Save and load state, auto save.
- Resize dpad, buttons (button scale).
* Note:
- To fix graphic glitcher, try changing the video plugin (In app, choose Settings - Plugins - Video).
- To fix lag, try changing the video frameskip setting or the video plugin.
- For unplayable ROMS, try unzipping the ROM first or trying a different version of the ROM.
- For touchscreen control issues, try changing the button scale (150%) or button layout.