DataFee - primo browser al mondo che ti paga per il suo utilizzo!

Ultima versione

4 lug 2018
Google Play ID

App APKs

DataFee APP

Every time you search for something in a search engine, or click on an advertising link, search engines get paid from companies that ordered ads on your request or paid for advertising on the site. Until that moment, you did not receive anything for your activity-it's time to change it!

After installing our browser, all money for your search requests will be credited directly to your balance! You can withdraw your earnings in any convenient way, after accumulating a minimum amount of 0.5 USD!

For getting maximum money from your search activity - set the browser's checkbox "Use the recommended search engines" - in this case, absolutely any search query- will be paid to you. By default, this setting is enabled after the browser is installed.

We meet advertisers to consumers of their services directly, without charging a commission of 100%, as search engines do- all money we are paying to those, who earned them. With the DataFee browser, you immediately get money for your balance!

On average, one user makes 6 searches a day - this is 180 searches per month, and more than 2000 searches per year, many of which can be paid for very high rates.
Install the browser DataFee, and after a while you will see how much search engines earned earlier on your search queries, but after the installation of the browser - all the money for searches will be paid only to you.

Earn money on what used to be done for free!
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