This app provides the users to read & share Qur'an and Hadith Texts in English.

Latest Version

Apr 13, 2023
Google Play ID

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Islamic Knowledge APP

This app provides the users to read and share Daily Authentic Islamic Messages in texts and Images from Qur'an and Hadith.

Some of the benefits of this app are...

- Islamic Messages are added daily.
- Islamic Messages can be shared easily in Whatsapp, Telegram, Email etc
- App can be used offline once synchronised.

And many more...

Example Messages:


Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said to His Prophet ﷺ (Translation): And remind (by explaining and preaching the Qur'an), for verily reminding benefits the believers. (Adh-Dhariyat 51:55)

Hadith: Mu'awiyah ibn Hidah Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates: I heard Nabi ﷺ saying: Woe to him who says something false just to make people laugh; woe to him, woe to him. (Tirmidhi: 2315)
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