Islamic Dua - Tasbeeh Counter APP
Digital Tasbeeh counter - Islamic dua is offline app with complete package is available in the app and also enjoy the extra so many features in-side the app. Islamic dua app is designed Very simple and contain actual information. Islamic Dua and Digital Tasbeeh Counter both are available in the same place. Islamic Dua is offline app on play store. Download the Qibla Direction, Islamic dua & Digital Counter.
App Feature:
Islamic Dua:
Offline Islamic Dua feature is very remarkable feature and with also contains too much information. Offine Dua has grate collection of daily Biases dua. Islamic Dua's are suitable for All Ages. If You like The app so you must share with your friends and family to get Swab. All Islamic Dua's are available in Arabic, Urdu & English Translation Feel Free to Read and understand meaning of Islamic Dua.
Last 10 Surah:
Tasbeeh counter app also have Last 10 Surah of Quran. Good thing about this app is if your eye-side is weak then you are able to use the zoom function of this app to make the all text big and used can easily read the text in side the app. 10 surah is Available in Arabic with Urdu & English translation.
Popular Surah:
Islamic Dua App have five surah also and this 5Surah contain Surah Al Imran, Surah Nisa, Surah Kahf, Surah Yaseen & Surah Rahman is Available with complete English and Urdu Translation.
Others Most Important Features:
Islamic Dua - Tasbeeh Counter app also have 99 Name's of ALLAH, 99 Name's of Muhammad with there English and Urdu Translation.
Tasbeeh Counter App Also Have Boys Name, Girls Name
Tasbeeh Counter:
Tasbeeh Contain the unique and Different design of tasbeeh having unique dialer, LCD, buttons and much more. Digital counter app also have vibration enable disable feature in the app.
Digital & Analog Compass:
Digital Compass is very important feature due to which our tasbeeh counter app is Incomplete. This Compass have both qubla and Normal Compass.
Recite Islamic dua for every work with digital tasbeeh counter. Every muslim need to pray dua for facing any problem. Anytime every where By having a habit of reciting holy Dua with tasbeeh conter.