Islamic Calendar, Ramadan 2025 APP
- Islamic Calendar with widgets and floating icons
- Hijri Date converter, Age calculator
- Prayer time , Tahajud, Ramadan, Dhuha, Azan & Iqama
- Qibla direction, Masjid finder and more
- Quran and Tasbih
Supported languages:
English, العربية, Indonesia, Türkçe, Malay, Swahili, ಕನ್ನಡ, മലയാളം, தமிழ்ப், हिंदी, اردو, বাংলা
Calculation Methods:
Worldwide method of calculations for prayer time and hijri date. such as awqaf, ummul qura, muslim world league, university of karchi, Jamyatul ulema India Kerala, Islamic affairs of Indonesia, Singapore MUIS, Islamic affairs of Malaysia, Turkey and many more