IQ Test Preparation GAME
The application covers many IQ and aptitudes related categories such as Number and Alphabetical sequence, Mental Arithmetic, Logical reasoning, Verbal Aptitude, Relationship Problems, Time and date Problems, Age Problems, Speed, time & distance and Work, Profit & Loss related problems. It is a perfect app for school, college and university entrance test preparation and also for general use to improve mental health.
The app has challenging puzzles, memory trainer, aptitude questions to know your Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Practice test contains collections of 1000 questions. You will be able to create a test from the available questions. The app evaluates your learning ability, remembering power/memory test, logical think ability, and creativity test.
Key features of the app are:
» 1000 Practice Questions
» Generate Test, appear for the test and review it later
» You can prepare for interivew with topics like Verbal ability, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude to improve lateral thinking ability
» You can increase your IQ Scores by preparing intelligence test or mensa iq
» Mark Questions for Revision - Review questions
» Share - You can share this app with your family and friends using the available messaging app on your phone.
This App is developed at ASWDC by Sonal Baraiya (140540107010), a 7th Sem CE Student. ASWDC is Apps, Software, and Website Development Center @ Darshan University, Rajkot run by students & staff of Computer Science and Engineering Department.
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