How smart are you? Find out your intelligence (IQ) now!
Have you ever wondered how smart you are? Now you can find out! With this app you will be able to find out your intelligence (IQ). The application is completely free to use, it's been developed upon the most common intelligence tests (IQ Test) such as Raven matrix, Mensa Test, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, IQ Eysenck etc. This intelligence test (IQ Test) is capable of measuring IQ in the range of 75-135. The test lasts around 20 to 40 minutes, in this time you will be asked 35 brain teaser which will get gradually harder, at the end of the time, or when you'll answer all the brain teaser your IQ score will be shown to you along with a small description of how to read the result. The test measures only a subset of intellectual abilities. So, valid conclusions can not be drawn about the overall intelligence of the person, the results are approximative. The test will give different results based on the age of the user. Why take an IQ test? -The purpose of taking an IQ test is to measure intelligence, to measure one’s reasoning and problem-solving abilities. - Compare your result with friends - Many more great functions for the IQ Test are still planned! So what are you waiting for? Download the application now and find out how smart you are!
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