iPUMP the 1st connected assistant in allergology that accompanies you on a daily basis

Latest Version

Sep 25, 2024
Google Play ID

App APKs


You or your child have a respiratory allergy, are undergoing Stallergenes Greer desensitization treatment and have received an offer to use the iPUMP connected allergy assistant.

Stallergenes Greer laboratories provide you with the iPUMP mobile application, intended to be used with the iPUMP tool, in order to support you or your child in monitoring your desensitization treatment and your allergic symptoms on a daily basis.

This application is downloaded from a personal and unique link sent by email.
How do I access the application?
Click on the link once, then when requesting a password in the application, return to this email and click again on this link to finalize the creation of your account.

You will find in your iPUMP application the treatment protocol prescribed by your doctor, as well as the following functionalities:

- A daily reminder to take your treatment, in the form of a pop-up notification
- A pressure detector made on the treatment bottle, which will tell you if the pressure has been applied correctly
- A manually triggered timer, which will tell you that the 2 minutes during which the treatment must remain under your tongue have passed

Why choose the application in addition to the iPUMP device?

- Calendar allowing you to follow the treatment day after day
- Diary to record the symptoms experienced, their intensity as well as the associated triggers
- Link to the DRAGO partner application, to make the 2 minutes of waiting pass while having fun!

Stallergenes Greer is an international biopharmaceutical laboratory, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies through the research, development and marketing of allergen immunotherapy products and services. For more information, visit: stallergenesgreer.fr

This mobile application:

- Is not a medical device within the meaning of article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 of April 5, 2017 relating to medical devices.
- Is intended to allow you to remember the times your treatment was taken and to track your taking history over time.
- Does not diagnose, assess risks, or recommend treatment.
- Is intended to capture information to help you monitor your allergy on a daily basis.
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