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The idea was first mooted to start a society of Prosthodontists in India by Dr. F.D. Mirza at a informal dinner party hosted by him at his residence and a AADHOC committee was formed comprised of Dr. T.M. Udani, Dr. F.D. Mirza and Dr. K. Bhargava. Also, it was decided to give vide publicity through newspapers to invite all the dental surgeons in India interested in Prosthetic Dentistry to attend Indian Dental Association Annual Conference to be held in Ahmedabad in 1973. In this meeting the Indian Prosthodontic Society was officially formed. The IPS constitution was framed and accepted. Three office bearers were unanimously elected by the committee which was formed in Ahmedabad. They were Dr. T.M.Udani, Founder President, Dr. F.D. Mirza, founder Secretary-cum-Treasurer and Dr.K. Bhargava as the Editor of our Journal.
The first scientific conference of IPS was held at Madras, where Dr. E.G.R. Solomon, was the dynamic force in organising the conference.
The IPS was formally registered with Charity Commissioner in 1978 and it became a registered society under Public Trust Act, Bombay. With this beginning, the IPS was given a good start. The Constitution was laid in such a way that there is harmony among members in the initial stages and all co-operated having the interest of Prosthetic Dentistry uppermost in their minds. It is heartening to know that Indian Prosthodontic Society was formed way before the European Prosthodontic Society came into existence.
The Indian Prosthodontic Society in now emerging to play a leading role in promoting total Prosthodontic Rehabilitation in the country in this new century.