Camera View APKVista de Câmeras IP APKVisor de Cámaras APKIP камера просмотр APKVista Telecamera APKVisionneuse de Caméra APKKamera Monitor APK카메라 뷰어 APK監視カメラビューアー APKWidok Kamery IP APK
IP camera view and playback, for your WiFi cam or home security cctv system.
Watch the live view from your network IP cameras comfortably on the big TV screen, on your phone or tablet. Playback video recordings and receive events from your cameras or NVR recorder. The application works with most IP cameras, your WiFi cam or the entire home security cctv system, works very well with Hikvision and Dahua devices. Designed for home and professional use. The application is optimized for phones, tablets, TVs and TV boxes with Android system.
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