IP Calculator APP
• Determining the IPv4 Address Class
• Available Subnets, Hosts per Subnet
• Network Address of the Given IP Address
• First Host of the Given IP Address
• Last Host of the Given IP Address
• Broadcast Address of the Given IP Address
• Binary Notation for IPv4 Address and Subnet Mask
• Subnetting and Supernetting Table for getting various IPv4 address range
• Realtime calculation from each of single field changes
• Adaptive and Sleek design for better user experience
• Tells whether the Given IP Address is Private, Public, Loopback, APIPA etc.
• Subnet Mask auto-adjust based on Given IP Address
• Slider for changing Subnet Mask easily run time
• Bug Tracker for tracking bugs if any
• Support for both Phone and Tablet versions of Android Devices
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