Intersign - Learn LSM APP
* The level difficulty is progressive so that you can Learn Mexican Sign Lenguage (LSM) step by step.
* Intersign has a Sign Diccionary and a Sign Glosary to help you reinforce your knowledge in Mexican Sign Lenguage(Mexican Sign Lenguage LSM).
* Earn and unlock rewards as you keep learning (Mexican Sign Lenguage LSM).
* Intersign will have additional video Lessons at the beginning of the levels to reinforce your learning.
* Intersign has additional activities and games, this way you can practice what you have already learn from the lessons.
* Intersign was created to help anyone who wants to learn Mexican Sign Lenguage (LSM), specially family and friends of deaf people who want to learn.
If you have any comment or suggestions please send them over to All your comments are welcome.