International Sign Language APP
Communication difficulties and emotional problems experienced by the hearing impaired can cause a lack of self-confidence in their social lives. All these negative effects of hearing loss also affect the quality of life of the child and the individual.
As the number of people communicating with the Hearing Impaired and learning sign language increases, it will be much easier for individuals with speech and hearing impairments to establish a bond of belonging to the society, develop their self-confidence, and find a place for themselves in society and social life.
Hearing and speaking individuals will be able to learn sign language and it will help the Hearing Impaired to overcome the communication barrier in front of them.
Hearing and speaking individuals, by learning sign language, will help the deaf overcome the barrier of communication and improve their daily quality of life in terms of courtesy, respect, family, friends, school and work.
What is Sign Language?
Sign language is a visual language created by hearing impaired people using hand movements and facial expressions when communicating with each other.
We will continue to evaluate and update it, taking into account all kinds of feedback and suggestions from you. If you have suggestions or feedback, you can reach us in the feedback section in the application.
Wishing you can learn sign language
We wish you a nice day.