Humanitiq Saviours Foundation built the Instant Help app as a Free app. This SERVICE is provided by Humanitiq Saviours Foundation at no cost and is intended for use as is.
We are a Section 8 company registered under Central Government of India. For more details you can visit our 'Legal' section page in
In this application users can post live emergencies to help Humans, Animals & Environmental issues.
The main purpose of this application is to rescue needy humans and animals and to clean environment.
In humans rescue the issues can be of any accident, blood requirement, meal requirement, girls security etc.
In animals it can be of rescuing accidental animal, medical treatment, feeding animals etc.
For environment it can be tree plantation, to clean the environment, introducing eco friendly machines etc.
Users can make their community as per their interest as if they are animal lover so they can add animal lovers to their community to help them together.
Live streaming of emergency & rescue will be posted with location so that the users near to that location can get the notification to rescue that emergency.
Users can support each other to rescue more and more emergencies.
In home page general information regarding the company will be shown.
In My Community user can make his community by searching users.
He can add his family members also.
In emergency section all emergencies near me will be listed.
In rewards section i can give cash reward to any user through UPI, if he is humanitiq & rescues emergencies very well.
User can also check his rewards there.
In notification section admin can notify users for upcoming events.
In donation any user can donate for a particular category to support that category like for Feeding animals, Feeding poor etc.
Flags represents helping nature of the users by two ways, one of which is donation in which if user don't have any time to help someone then he can donate to us so that we can raise a campaign to help that particular category.
Second is rescues, if user is rescuing someone himself/herself then his rescues will be counted and will be updated in his profile.
So whenever user visits his profile, they can see his donation amount as well as rescues done by him.
Users can invite one another by sharing this applications link to other social media platforms.
Users can give us the feedback and suggestions so that we will also get updated on time.
User can set emergency preference to view emergencies according to his/her interest.
If any user posts any inappropriate content like wrong information shared, any abusive content, any sexual or nudity content then users can report him/her to do so, which will be then sent to our report team, our report team will analyse the level of content posted who violates our terms & conditions and Privacy & policies.
After that the action will be taken towards that user, we can terminate his account permanently so that he'll not able to use our services in future or we can terminate his account for sometime as a penalty to violate our terms & conditions and privacy & policies.
This is all about our application "Instant Help" - An Emergency App.
A New Way To Help!