Infraspeak Next APP
Knowing that no product’s first version is perfect, we embark on this journey to develop a future-proof solution. The tricky part about the Future is that it keeps moving and shifting. We believe that nothing keeps up with time. New needs emerge, different concerns arise and implemented processes become obsolete. This is why we’ve developed this app: to never cease being a never-ending project, built one feature after the other.
There is no stopping because there's always a Next in line.
Infraspeak Next™, allows you to keep up with the ever-changing challenges of the Maintenance and FM industry and we are happy to offer you a seat at the table.
Join us and help us get better!
You can use this app to:
- Approve, pause and close work orders
- Create work orders by location, with QR or barcode and with NFC tags
- Check the work order’s list and their details
- Add/view documents
- Work offline
- Exchange messages with your team inside Work orders
If you wish to access a broader range of features and functionalities, explore any of the existing Infraspeak interfaces.