Aplikace Info Astma vyniká jednoduchostí používání a podporuje spolupráci pacienta a lékaře.
Aplikace vznikla v odborné spolupráci s Doc. MUDr. Petrem Čápem, Ph.D., oddělení Alergologie a klinické imunologie Nemocnice Na Homolce, Praha.
Mobile application Info Asthma is intended for patients with asthma bronchiale. Applications provides a comprehensive overview of important information, links and above all it is a reminder of standard or relief dose and visits of physician. Thanks to the application the patient is familiar with the statistics of dose using and also knows exactly how many doses remain in the inhaler.
Application Info Asthma excels in ease of use and promotes cooperation patient and physician.
Application is created in collaboration with Doc . M.D. Petr Čáp, Ph.D., Department of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Na Homolce, Prague .