• IndiaOPD helps to intuitively increase the Doctor-Patient connect effectively and improve substantially the deliverables in the healthcare ecosystem; drafting a healthier India.
• IndiaOPD is aimed at substantially enhancing the efficiency in the OPD Management and allowing Healthcare Professionals to make their services available to more patients with better turnaround and with a far less chaos at the OPD Reception.
• IndiaOPD relieves the Patients and the accompanying relatives the pains and stress of waiting in the OPD for hours together.
For Patients (Web & Mobile App)
• Intuitive Doctor Search
• Book appointments online within seconds even while you are Mobile.
• Link Patients. Book appointments for self or for near & dear one's as well.
• Option for the concerned Patient getting confirmation on his Mobile. Manage their appointments.
• Intuitive history like Upcoming appointments, recent searches, etc.
For Doctors (Currently Web App)
• Online Presence for intuitive global search
• Appointment Dashboard for Doctors and Reception.
• Separate login for Doctor and Staff from patient-data security perspective
• Self managed Appointment and Scheduling INTUITIVE CONFIGURATOR supporting Time- based or Token-based appointments
• Real-time ONLINE Appointment Updates for Patient movements in OPD.
• Holiday / Operation / Procedure / Emergency / Pre-Occupation configuration with a very intuitive powerful Configurator.
General Overall Features
• Registration facilities for Doctors, Patients, Medical Representatives, etc
• Appointment notifications like confirmation, reminder SMS, etc.
• OTP – One Time Password based Registration for all from security and authentication Perspective negating dummy registrations.
• Department wise and Doctor-wise Appointment Dashboards for Hospitals.
• Intuitive Scheduling and Appointments for Medical Representatives by Doctor through dashboards.
• Patient History / Diagnostic tests / Consulting / Prescription.
• Print Dose Instructions/Descriptions/Special Instructions in the Prescription mode in a Language (Indian & International languages) of your choice.
• Link Patients & manage their appointments.