Imperial Plexus APP
Plexus (ˈplɛksəs/)
Noun: an intricate network or web-like formation.
Imperial Plexus is your free online global community, designed for you to connect, collaborate and discover. You can access your online benefits such as webinars, library journals and event recordings; engage in discussions; advertise or find new job roles, develop professional connections and build an international career; reach out to old friends that you’ve lost touch with over the years, or make new ones.
The Imperial Plexus app can also be used as proof of your alumni status when using Imperial Student Union venues, such as the SU Bar and 568 in the Beit Quad and when registering for a Library account.
Download the app to create your profile now and continue your lifelong connection to Imperial as a member of the online community.
If you haven’t yet registered, you can request a link to activate your account by contacting the Alumni Relations team,