Unique app that is a SPP serial terminal, which operates from voice or text commands, sending commands over a SPP connection for bidirectional (two way) communication with any SPP serial adapter in conjunction with any micro-controller/MCU.
This app is ideal for people developing there own voice recognition projects, planned updates for this app are auto connection and hands free. speech recognition
the voice control button will flash when a client disconnect or when you send flash from the client, you must use the back button or stop alarm button in the app to cancel flashing and Alarm sound.
Any disconnections from the dh-19 or app can trigger a alarm so with the DH-19 up to 7 devices can have alarms
- Split screen, paired and available device listings
- Multi configurable, multiple alarms
- Voice and text options for sending data
- Built in alarms configurable from the app or connected device/devices
when used with DH-19 multi connecting spp dongle hub. the alarm
can be heard when triggered even if the phone is on silent
-The App speaks all commands, replies, options, disconnections and
- Displays name and signal strength
Built specifically for the DH-19 multi connecting dongle hub, for controlling a small network of one host and 1 DH-19 and six client devices simultaneously or independently.
It is configurable in many combinations with endless possibilities.
Any device other than a DH-19 i.e HC-05 / HC-06 is compatible and the basic functionality is to connect to the client, send messages to the client and receive messages back from the client.
The alarm can be set from the host or the client from the speech or text in the app, simply say "alarm on" response "alarm is on".
To test alarm say "start" alarm can be heard say "stop" alarm will stop, send the same commands from the client device connected to the phone and the alarm will start and stop.
Voice commands
Everything from the voice recognition will be sent over the connection exactly as what is said and displayed on screen, so your receiving device will need to receive the command exactly how its displayed in the app, with the possibility of using asterisk and hashtag as beginning and end, this can be turned off and on
alarm on / alarm off = (alarm on / alarm off)
start / stop = (start / stop /alarm sounds)
alarm status = (alarm status off / on)
host on / host off = (host on or off connected client send data as host to all connected )
Asterisk off / Asterisk on = (* and # / on OR off )
phone = (ringing phone / alarm sound )
siren = (siren / alarm sound)
Text commands
alarm on / alarm off = (alarm on / alarm off)
start / stop = (start / stop alarm sound)
alarm status = (alarm status off / on)
Asterisk off / Asterisk on = (* and # / on off l)
phone = (ringing phone / alarm sound )
siren = (siren / alarm sound)
flash = (flash button/voice control)
staron = (Asterisk on)
staroff = (Asterisk off)
ASTAT = (alarm status)
AON = (alarm on)
AOFF = (alarm off)
start = (alarm start )
stop = (alarm stop )
AS1 = (alarm sound 1)
AS2 =(alarm sound 2)
RINGPHONE = ( alarm override, still sounds when alarm is set to off )