DocAssist allows users to create medical dictations and upload them to iMedX.

Latest Version

May 12, 2020
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iMedX Mobile DocAssist APP

The iMedX Mobile DocAssist application allows doctors to create medical dictations using Android mobiles or tablets, upload those dictations to the iMedX data center, and receive medical transcriptions back from iMedX. Users can Record, Append, and Upload dictations using an Android Mobile or an Android tablet just like any digital voice recorder. In addition to these features, patient appointments can be scheduled and displayed on the users’ patient schedule. Appointments can be searched by multiple options. Appointments can also be edited and cancelled. Dictations can be created for scheduled patients or walk in patients.

- Record, Audio Edit (append, insert, and truncate), and Playback of dictations
- Pause and Resume while recording dictations
- Play, Pause, Fast forward, and Rewind dictations
- Uploading dictations to iMedX
- Add and Search for patients
- Schedule an appointment or multiple appointments for a patient
- Edit and Cancel appointments
- Review the status of any dictations
- Review any transcriptions that have been returned to the doctor
- Anonymous Patient Dictations
- Works in offline mode
- Works with any Android mobiles or tablets with Android OS greater than 4.1

Dictate Anywhere:

Dictations can be created anywhere, even in offline mode. In offline mode, dictations are cached on the device and can be uploaded when the user reconnects to Internet through Wi-Fi or the Mobile Network.
Dictations are uploaded to a dedicated and secure iMedX, Inc. data center. Dictations are then transcribed by iMedX personnel. iMedX Mobile DocAssist replaces the need for common digital voice recorders by offering all common voice recorder features in addition to features such as patient schedules, ability to search for patients, etc., not available on digital dictation devices.

IMPORTANT: To use iMedX Mobile DocAssist, users need an active account with iMedX, Inc. for contracted transcription services.
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